7 Topics That Will Help You to Better Understand Scripture

The King – Jesus Christ, Yeshua of Nazareth

Son of The Father – The firstborn of all creation, only begotten of The Most High God. The anointed Messiah and High Priest of the covenant of Israel.

The Setting

Son of The Father – The firstborn of all creation, only begotten of The Most High God. The anointed Messiah and High Priest of the covenant of Israel.

The Instructions

Law of God – The eternal Torah; basic Instructions for right behavior according to God. His own behavior and His will for us.

The Priesthoods

Set-Apart Ministers – Angels and Men ordained to make sacrifices and offerings in worship to God, at a place of His choosing, i.e. on an altar, in an earthly or heavenly temple.

The Giants

Nephilim – The offspring of the rebellious angels who took wives. Now disembodied unclean spirits/demons.

The Kingdom

New Jerusalem – Paradise, City of God, Mt. Zion, future home of the resurrected mankind, Father & Son. A literal, physical, continent-sized city. The expanded Garden of Eden.

The Resurrection

Our Blessed Hope – The promise of the covenant of Israel, that we will be raised from Sheol to eternal life at the 2nd coming of our Messiah, immediately after the tribulation.