Testament of Levi mentions 7 Firmaments of Heaven

The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs was included in the Armenian Orthodox Christian Canon of the Bible in the 1600’s. However, fragments from several of the Patriarchs were discovered in the Qumran Cave findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Levi’s testament was one of them. In his account, he is shown visions of the 7 firmaments of heaven

Testament of Levi 3 | Dead Sea Scrolls
Listen concerning the seven heavens. The lowest is darker because it is near all the iniquities of men. The second has fire, snow, and ice, ready for the day of the Lord, when the righteous judgment of God is poured out in vengeance on the wicked. In the third are the hosts of the armies which are ordained for the day of judgment, to work vengeance on the spirits of deceit and of Belial. The top four heavens are holy, for in the highest of all dwells the Great Glory, in the holy of holies, far above all holiness. In the sixth are the angels of the presence of the Lord, who minister and make propitiation to the Lord for all the sins the righteous committed in ignorance; and they offer to the Lord a reasonable sweet-smelling savor, and a bloodless offering. In the fifth heaven are the angels who bear the answers to the angels of the presence of the Lord. And in the fourth heaven are thrones and dominions, in which hymns are ever offered to God. Therefore, whenever the Lord looks upon us, all of us tremble. The heavens, the earth, and the abysses tremble in the presence of His majesty; but the sons of men who do not regard these things, sin, and provoke the Most High.