Paradise – Kingdom of God -3rd Heaven

Currently located in the 3rd firmament of heaven, the Paradise Kingdom of God – also called Zion or New Jerusalem – is described in Revelation 21 as a walled structure with gates of pearl and streets of pure gold.

It has twelve gates, guarded by angels; with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel written on the gates. (Rev 21:12)

Its walls have twelve foundation stones, with the 12 names of the apostles of Christ written on them. (Rev 21:14)

It is a city laid out as a square; with an equal length, width, & height of 1,500 miles – making it the largest structure that will ever be known to man. (Rev 21:16)

Its walls are made of Jasper and Gold, and their foundation stones are adorned with sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. (Rev 21:18-20)

This is a literal, tangible Kingdom physically nestled in the 3rd vaulted dome over the earth, awaiting the appointed time for it to descend down through the heavens with Christ at His return.