The 5th Heaven

The 5th firmament of heaven is explained in a number of scriptures to be the location of the stars and an Angellic class of Powers who conduct the stars. Enoch is given an extensive tour of this area of the heavens:

Enoch 70:4-6
And Michael, one of the archangels, took me by my right hand, raised me up, and brought me out to where was every secret of mercy and secret of righteousness. He showed me all the hidden things of the extremities of heaven, all the receptacles of the stars, and the splendours of all, from whence they went forth before the face of the holy. And he concealed the spirit of Enoch in the heaven of heavens

Enoch 74:15
I saw likewise the chariots of heaven, running in the world above to those gates in which the stars turn, which never set.

Enoch is even told the names of some of the Powers who conduct the stars, that the Angel Uriel is in charge of:

Enoch 71:1
The book of the revolutions of the luminaries of heaven, according to their respective classes, their respective powers, their respective periods, their respective names, the places where they commence their progress, and their respective months, which Uriel, the holy angel who was with me, explained to me; he who conducts them.

A condensed list of the names of the angellic Powers who conduct the stars from Enoch 71:

Melkel, Helammelak, Meliyal, Narel, Adnarel, Jyasusal, Jyelumeal, Melkyas, Tamani, Zahay, Barkel, Zelsabel, Heloyalef, Helemmelek, Zahay, Gedaeyal, Keel, Heel, Asphael