The 6th Heaven

A 6th vaulted dome of heaven is listed by
Levi, son of Jacob. He recounts his vision of
what takes place in this firmament by depicting a priesthood of Angels called the Angels of the Presence. These beings serve and minister on the altars in heavenly temples, performing sacrificial offerings of worship to The Most High.

These proceedings are also shown to John:

Revelation 11:19
And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple …

Revelation 14:17
And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven …

Revelation 15:5-6
After these things I looked, and the temple of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven was opened, and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, clothed in linen, clean and bright, and girded around their chests with golden sashes.

A number of scriptures refer to certain angels as “ministers”, indicating a priestly duty:

Psalm 104:4 LXX
Who makes his angels spirits, and his ministers a flaming fire.

Hebrews 1:7
And of the angels He says, “Who makes His angels winds, And His ministers a flame of fire.”

2 Baruch 48:10
Innumerable armies stand before You and minister in their orders quietly at Your nod.

Seven of these Angels of the Presence who oversee various aspects of creation are named in 1 Enoch:

Enoch 20:1-8
And these are the names of the holy angels who watch. Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus. Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he that is set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraql, one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise and the Seraphim and the Cherubim. Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise.

Tobit 12:15 LXX
I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels, which present the prayers of the saints, and which go in and out before the glory of the Holy One.

Luke 1:19
The angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.