Category: Biblical Cosmology

The Earth is a Circle – Proverbs 8:27-29

cir·cle1. a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).“draw a circle with a compass” Proverbs 8:27-29[27] When He established the heavens, I was there, when He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep,[28] When He made firm the skies above, when the springs of the deep became fixed,[29] When He set for the sea its boundary so that the water would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth;

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Pattern of the Heavens – Irenaeus (The Proof of Apostolic Preaching, 9)

Moses was instructed to create the Tabernacle as a copy made after the pattern of heavenly things: Hebrews 8:4-5… there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “See,” He says, “that you make all things according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.” Irenaeus, 2nd century disciple of Polycarp (disciple of the Apostle John), says this about the seven-branched Menorah  “Now this world is encompassed by seven heavens, in which dwell powers and angels and archangels, doing service to God, the Almighty and Maker of all things: not as though He was in need, but that they may not be idle and unprofitable and ineffectual. Wherefore also the Spirit of God is manifold in His indwelling, and in seven forms of service is He reckoned by the prophet Isaiah, as resting on the Son of God, that is the Word, in His coming as man. The Spirit of God, he says, shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge and of godliness; the Spirit of the fear of God shall fill him. Now the heaven which is first from above, and encompasses the rest, is that of wisdom; and the second from it, of understanding; and the third, of counsel; and the fourth, reckoned from above, is that of might; and the fifth, of knowledge; and the sixth, of godliness; and the seventh, this firmament of ours, is full of the fear of that Spirit which gives light to the heavens. For, as the pattern of this, Moses received the seven-branched candlestick, that shined continually in the holy place; for as a pattern of the heavens he received this service, according to that which the Word spake unto him: Thou shalt make it according to all the pattern of the things which thou hast seen in the mount.”– Irenaeus (The Proof of Apostolic Preaching, 9)

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The Pillars of Heaven

The vaulted dome structures of the firmaments of heaven are supported by foundations of pillars. Enoch 60:11And the other angel who went with me and showed me what was hidden told me what is first and last in the heaven in the height, and beneath the earth in the depth, and at the ends of the heaven, and on the foundation of the heaven. Jubilees 19:25And these shall serve to lay the foundations of the heaven, and to strengthen the earth, and to renew all the luminaries which are in the firmament.

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Heavens declare the glory of Yah

There’s a reason your Biblical flat earth friend has tried to tell you about the Firmament… This vaulted dome ceiling that encapsulates the circle of the earth was the only thing God created on Day 2, in the first chapter, on the first page of the Bible. He gave this Firmament the name “Heaven” in Genesis 1:8, while describing the setting for the story of mankind. The Psalmist says the Firmament shows us God’s handiwork. In this way, it is a vital component in recognizing the truth of God’s creation. Its existence is overwhelming evidence for intelligent design – which is why Atheists are testifying, in droves, that Biblical Cosmology is what God used to lead them to faith in Christ. And given that the definition of a basic dome shape requires that it has a flat, circular base… the Firmament is a blatant giveaway for the shape of God’s green earth. Heaven is a literal and physical, solid structure above a stationary, level plane. Your friend just wants you to see the glory of God’s work.

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Second day He created the Spirit of the Firmament

On this 7th day God rested from His works, that we too may rest & enjoy all that He created in 6 days: 2 Esdras 6:38-54[38] I said, “O Lord, you spoke at the beginning of creation and said on the first day, ‘Let heaven and earth be made,’ and your word accomplished the work.[39] Then the spirit was blowing, and darkness and silence embraced everything; the sound of human voices was not yet there.[40] Then you commanded a ray of light to be brought out from your storehouses, so that your works could be seen.[41] “Again, on the second day, you created the spirit of the firmament and commanded it to divide and separate the waters, so that one part might move upward and the other part remain beneath.[42] “On the third day you commanded the waters to be gathered together in a seventh part of the earth; six parts you dried up and kept so that some of them might be planted and cultivated and be of service before you.[43] For your word went forth, and at once the work was done.[44] Immediately fruit came forth in endless abundance and of varied appeal to the taste, and flowers of inimitable color, and odors of inexpressible fragrance. These were made on the third day.[45] “On the fourth day you commanded the brightness of the sun, the light of the moon, and the arrangement of the stars to come into being, [46] and you commanded them to serve the human who was about to be formed.[47] “On the fifth day you commanded the seventh part, where the water had been gathered together, to bring forth living creatures, birds, and fishes, and so it was done.[48] The dumb and lifeless water produced living creatures, as it was commanded, so that therefore the nations might declare your wondrous works.[49] “Then you kept in existence two living creatures that you created; the one you called Behemoth and the name of the other Leviathan.[50] And you separated one from the other, for the seventh part where the water had been gathered together could not hold them both.[51] And you gave Behemoth one of the parts that had been dried up on the third day, to live in it, where there are a thousand mountains,[52] but to Leviathan you gave the seventh part, the watery part, and you have kept them to be eaten by whom you wish and when you wish.[53] “On the sixth day you commanded the earth to bring forth before you cattle, wild animals, and creeping things,[54] and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made, and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen.”

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Waters above and below the Firmament

Jubilees 2:1-16[1]And the angel of the presence spake to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord God finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works.[2]For on the first day He created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve before him -the angels of the presence, and the angels of sanctification, and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds, and the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, and the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning, and the angels of the spirits of cold and of heat, and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer and of all the spirits of his creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth, He created the abysses and the darkness, eventide , and the light, dawn and day, which He hath prepared in the knowledge of his heart.[3]And thereupon we saw His works, and praised Him, and lauded before Him on account of all His works; for seven great works did He create on the first day.[4]And on the second day He created the firmament in the midst of the waters, and the waters were divided on that day -half of them went up above and half of them went down below the firmament that was in the midst over the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work God created on the second day.[5]And on the third day He commanded the waters to pass from off the face of the whole earth into one place, and the dry land to appear.[6]And the waters did so as He commanded them, and they retired from off the face of the earth into one place outside of this firmament, and the dry land appeared.[7]And on that day He created for them all the seas according to their separate gathering-places, and all the rivers, and the gatherings of the waters in the mountains and on all the earth, and all the lakes, and all the dew of the earth, and the seed which is sown, and all sprouting things, and fruit-bearing trees, and trees of the wood, and the garden of Eden, in Eden and all plants after their kind.[8]These four great works God created on the third day. And on the fourth day He created the sun and the moon and the stars, and set them in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon all the earth, and to rule over the day and the night, and divide the light from the darkness.[9]And God appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and for sabbaths and for months and for feasts and for years and for sabbaths of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years.[10]And it divideth the light from the darkness [and] for prosperity, that all things may prosper which shoot and grow on the earth.[11]These three kinds He made on the fourth day. And on the fifth day He created great sea monsters in the depths of the waters, for these were the first things of flesh that were created by his hands, the fish and everything that moves in the waters, and everything that flies, the birds and all their kind.[12]And the sun rose above them to prosper (them), and above everything that was on the earth, everything that shoots out of the earth, and all fruit-bearing trees, and all flesh.[13]These three kinds He created on the fifth day. And on the sixth day He created all the animals of the earth, and all cattle, and everything that moves on the earth.[14]And after all this He created man, a man and a woman created He them, and gave him dominion over all that is upon the earth, and in the seas, and over everything that flies, and over beasts and over cattle, and over everything that moves on the earth, and over the whole earth, and over all this He gave him dominion.[15]And these four kinds He created on the sixth day. And there were altogether two and twenty kinds.[16]And He finished all his work on the sixth day -all that is in the heavens and on the earth, and in the seas and in the abysses, and in the light and in the darkness, and in everything.

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Thus the Heavens – Genesis 2:1-2

Exodus 20:11For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy. Exodus 31:17It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed. Jubilees 2:1And the angel of the presence spake to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord God finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works.

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7th Part Water – 2 Esdras 6:42

Just like there are 6 Firmaments of the Heavens and a 7th containing the Waters above… God made 6 parts of the Earth and the 7th part Water. 7 Days of the Week, 7 Colors of the Rainbow, Cain would be avenged 7 fold, 7 of each Clean Animal on the Ark, Lamech lived 777 years, Jacob served 7 years for Rachel, Joseph saw 7 years of famine, 7 Days of Unleavened Bread, 7×7 years in a Jubilee, 7 Lamps on the Menorah, 7 Day Priestly Ordination, Remission of Debt every 7 years, Jesus turned 7 loaves of Bread into enough to feed 4,000 with 7 large baskets of bread leftover, 7 Archangels to the 7 Churches, 7 Trumpets, 7 Bowls of Wrath, with the 7 Plagues and 7 Seals… In Hebrew, the word “seven” is spelled with the same consonants as the Hebrew word for “complete/full”: שבע

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The Earth Not A Planet – Terra Firma

“So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” “As regards Longitudes still farther South Parallaxwrites as follows – ‘Having seen that the diameter of the Earth’s surface taking the distance from Auckland in New Zealand, to Sydney, and thence to the Cape of Good Hope, as a datum arc – is 7,440 statute miles; we may inquire how far it is from any of the above places to the great belt of ice which surrounds the Southern oceans. Although large ice islands and icebergs are often met with a few degrees beyond Cape Horn, what may be called the solid, immovable ramparts of ice seem to be as far south as 78 degrees.’” “Upon the principle, as taught by Scripture and common observation, that the world is not a Planet, but consists of vast masses of land stretched out upon level seas, the North being the centre of the system, it is evident that the degrees of longitude will gradually increase in width the whole way from the North centre to the icy boundary of the great Southern Circumference.” — David Wardlaw Scott,“Terra Firma: The Earth Not A Planet, Proved From Scripture, Reason, and Fact” (1901)

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Dome of Heaven has Ends

Amos 9:6 NASBThe One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens and has  founded His vaulted dome over the earth, He who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the face of the earth, The Lord is His name. Job 38:37-38 LXXAnd who is he that numbers the clouds in wisdom, and has  bowed the heaven down to the earth? For it is spread out as dusty earth, and I have cemented it as one hewn stone to another. Enoch 33:1-2And from there I went to the ends of the earth and saw there great beasts, and each differed from the other, and I saw birds also differing in appearance and beauty and voice, the one differing from the other. And to the east of those beasts I saw  the ends of the earth whereon the heaven rests, and the gates of heaven stood open.

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