Uncommon Ground Series

Season 1

Season 1

#1 – The Firmaments of Heaven
#2 – Earth is at the Center of Creation
#3 – Incredible Music & Testimony.
#4 – The Antarctic Circle, “Ice Wall”.
#5 – Globe Defying Observations & Measurements.
#6 – Amazing Music & Testimony.
#7 – The Sun: Where it is, How it moves, etc.
#8 – A Sinister Agenda; Real Crafts, False Narratives
#9 – Testimony of a Pastor Who Was Fired for Truth
#10 – The Moon: What it Is, What it’s Not, & More

Season 2

#11 – Satellites & the Lies Orbiting Them.
#12 – Hanging on His Words / Mountains Into The Sea
#13 – Gravitational Theories: The Glue Holding the Lie
#14 – NASA’s Rocket Programs – What They’re Hiding
#15 – Q&A
#16 – Conference Highlights & Presentation
#17 – Sheol, Hades: Where We Go When We Die
#18 – Subterranean Prison of the Rebellious Angels
#19 – Activist & Musician: Austin Whitsitt
#20 – Beast of Revelation: Who, When, & Where?

Uncommon Ground Series

Season 1

Episode #1

The Firmaments of Heaven

Intro to the enclosed creation model — Scripture describes the heavens as a series of seven solid domed structures, encapsulating the circle of the earth. Consider the wonders of God’s works, and explore the contents of each layer of heaven, in the Uncommon Ground series premiere!

Geocentricity No Sphericity

Episode #2

Earth is at the Center of Creation

We are at the center of it all – The Biblical model of creation is not a heliocentric solar system wandering through an infinitely expanding vacuum of space. What can be measured, tested, and verified in God’s word? Find out in this episode.

Musical Guest: Mike Maranatha!

Episode #3

Incredible Music & Testimony

Our first musical guest, Mike Maranatha, joins us to share his testimony of deliverance from addiction as we highlight his work as a recording artist.

Antarctica: End of the Earth

Episode #4

The Antarctic CIrcle, "Ice WAll"

What secrets are concealed in the frozen tundra known as the southernmost continent? What do the prophets of the Most High God have to say on the subject. Embark on a journey to the extremities of the seas that encompass the earth, in this polar installment.

Where Is The Curve?

Episode #5

Globe Defying Observations & Measurements

If earth’s curvature existed, believers in Biblical Cosmology wouldn’t! Learn how the 24,901 mile circumference of the spherical earth model fails the test of scrutiny when compared to real-world long-distance and high-altitude photography.

Musical Guest: Marlo Eugene

Episode #6

Amazing Music & Testimony

The smooth musical stylings and the inspirational story of hip hop artist, entrepreneur, and intellectual – Marlo Eugene.

The Greater Light

Episode #7

The Sun: Where it is, How it Moves, etc..

On the fourth day of creation, God made two great lights and set them in the firmament of the heavens. Jump into this episode to investigate the solar luminary that rules the day, its prophetic significance, and more.

The Alien Deception

Episode #8

A Sinister Agenda; Real Crafts, False Narratives

UFOs, UAPs, Extraterrestrials – How do these topics relate to the reality of a Biblical world view? This presentation dives into the historical writings of cultures who documented the flight capabilities of their “gods”, as well as the likelihood of worldwide deceit in the last days that involves these ancient flying machines.

Fired For Truth: Nate Wolfe

Episode #9

Testimony of a Pastor who was Fired for Truth

Pastor Nate Wolfe is known in many communities as a kind-hearted, peaceful preacher of Scriptural truth – However, one community of church elders sought to terminate his employment and excommunicate him from a congregation for his interest in topics such as Biblical Cosmology. Listen to Nate’s account of the events here!

The Lesser Light

Episode #10

The Moon: WHat is is, What it's Not, & More

The lunar luminary has long been the subject of conspiracies and wild speculations – But the books of the Bible and independent experiments help to solve some of the mysteries involving this minor light that rules the night. Test our findings alongside this chapter of the show.